Bullseye Golf Center Spring 2016 Catalog
eCLIPse GPS Pre-loaded with 30,000+ global courses, Conveniently clips on to your bag, Accurate distances to the Front, Center, and Back of gree, Accurate layup and carry distances to hazards and dogleg, Auto-hole advanc, Scorecard feature tracks score, GIR, and Putts per Round, and Rechargeable lithi- um-ion battery lasting up to 10 hours Our Price: $179.99
GPSy Watch
The GPSy Watch combines GPS and com- fortable, wearable technology. Key Features: Pre-loaded with 30,000+ global courses, Accurate distances to the Front, Center, and Back of green, Accurate layup and carry distances to hazards and doglegs, Auto-hole advance, Scorecard fea- ture tracks score, GIR, and Putts per Round, Rechargeable lithium-ion battery lasting up to 10 hours Color options: Black/Gray and White/Green Our Price: $179.99 GPSync Smart Watch The GPSyncWatch combines GPS technology with elegant, fashionable design. Built-in Blue- tooth technology connects with your smart phone to enable text, call, and email notifica- tions on the watch. Also allows you to upload round scores and stats to our Free App. Key Features: Pre-loaded with 30,000+ global courses, Accurate distances to the Front, Center, and Back of green, Accurate layup and carry distances to hazards and doglegs, Auto-hole advance, Scorecard fea- ture tracks score, GIR, and Putts per Round, Rechargeable lithium-ion battery lasting up to 10 hours Our Price: $229.99
GET $30 OFF these featured Callaway GPS or Laser Rangefinder Mail-in rebate (offer valid 4/3/16 – 7/2/16) See your local NGBA retailer for mail-in rebate form and details
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